"We're hoping the prime minister is going to recognise long Covid in children enough so that he invests in indoor air quality being improved in schools to prevent other children from getting the same condition our children are living with."
Since January, 15 year old Shiven Taneja has made over 120 D-I-Y air filters to keep particles including COVID-19 droplets out of the air. He and his mom Kavita were recently invited to the 3M factory in Minnesota for a surprise visit.
Liesl McConchie successfully got a school wide adoption of filter boxes. These are the documents she developed to communicate with interested parties.
How to set up a University-Wide Corsi-Rosenthal Box Initiative.
A DIY air filtration device assembled by fifth graders in Hartford makes its way to Washington, thanks to a cross-campus effort
Version 4. Additions: new concerns addressed, pdf with hotspot links to references. Interactive pdf.